Can The Speaker Schedule Legislation For Floor Action
Tuesday if the committee orders bill reported and views are requested.
Can the speaker schedule legislation for floor action. Another message will be sent as more is known about the remainder of this week s vote schedule. From legislation to accounting the speaker. These different mechanisms by which the majority party proposes floor consideration of a bill are discussed in more detail in the next section. Floor debate in either chamber is reported in the congressional record and is available on lexisnexis congressional the day after the debate occurred.
House floor rules of decorum. Clause 5 of rule xvii of the house rules forbids. For instance amendments must typically meet certain germaneness standards meaning that they must be on the precise subject of the legislation being considered. After the rules committee reports a rule for consideration of a bill the house first considers that special rule itself on the house floor for approximately one hour.
At this point the path a bill takes depends on whether it is in the house or the senate. However the following informational example is useful in determining the time it takes to prepare legislation for floor consideration. In both chambers of congress the bill will come up for debate amendments including riders can be offered and a final vote taken. In the senate majority party leadership does not use the same set of rules as the house to bring bills to the floor.
The scheduling of legislation for house floor action is the prerogative of the majority leadership. Consequently the house must choose its speaker and officers and adopt the chamber s rules of procedure every two years. Floor action on h r 8337 the continuing resolution is expected prior to the end of the fiscal year. Another message will be sent as more is known about the remainder of this week s vote schedule.
Exiting or crossing the hall while the speaker is addressing the house. Passing between the chair and a member under recognition. In the house there are several different legislative calendars and the speaker and majority leader largely determine if when and in what order bills come up. One way the senate can take up a bill is by agreeing to a motion to proceed to it.
Scheduling floor action after a bill is reported back to the chamber where it originated it is placed in chronological order on the calendar. The speaker is selected by the full house membership though the majority party s voting power ensures that the role is occupied by one of their own.