Glass Ceiling And Sticky Floor Concepts

None of the examples utilized in the book resonated with me.
Glass ceiling and sticky floor concepts. Perhaps the glass ceiling and the sticky floor are working together in a vicious circle continually dissuading women from stem. I love images that paint a compelling picture. Sticky floors can be described as the pattern that women are compared to men less likely to start to climb the job ladder. The term sticky floor is used to describe a discriminatory employment pattern that keeps a certain group of people at the bottom of the job scale.
And so when a speaker on gender in the workplace talked about women and leadership and explored the underlying reason for the disproportionate number of women in high leadership positions as a combination of both glass ceiling and a sticky floor it resonated. Glass ceiling and sticky floor are pretty much the same thing. Expression used as a metaphor to point to a discriminatory employment pattern that keeps workers mainly women in the lower ranks of the job scale with low mobility and invisible barriers to career advancement. Barriers to career advancement.
Sticky floor and glass ceiling. In the literature on gender discrimination the concept of sticky floors complements the concept of a glass ceiling. The beginning of the solution may be to identify women who have made it through stem s glass ceiling and present them as role models to young people of all genders. There are real factors which mean that many women take lower paid and part time jobs like wanting to spend more time with family and these are covered by the.